Substance Abuse is Context Oriented: A Case Report on Opioid Withdrawal of a Pakistani Addict


  • Maryam Khan


addicts, context, dependence, familial practices, younger population


Substance abuse is one of the burning issues in Pakistan nowadays among younger population in general and adolescents in particular. Around 700 deaths per day due to the drug related complications are reported and almost 31 million individuals here are recognized as addicts. The maladaptive usage or dependency on any kind of thing being ingested for changing mood, mind or behaviour is generally known as substance abuse. This paper presents a case report of a 21-year old, young boy suffering with opioid withdrawal disorder. He is struggling to get rid of this curse for so long as it’s his third relapse even though got treated two times from the reputed drug rehabilitation centres earlier. The basic reason as per etiological factors came to be his familial background. The area of residence, outside environment and familiar practices are seemingly the biggest problem in his case directing the need to consider this very essential element of removing such curses from bud by working on the contextual features during the treatment of addictions. Thus, therapy with comprehensive focus on surroundings where the patient will return, needs to be carefully devised.




How to Cite

Khan, M. (2019). Substance Abuse is Context Oriented: A Case Report on Opioid Withdrawal of a Pakistani Addict. European Exploratory Scientific Journal, 3(3). Retrieved from


